The Boothbay Region Health Center is expanding the scope of its popular Fit, Flexible & Strong Wellness Program. Now in its third year, the Health Center’s personalized wellness and exercise program has been realigned with the goal of preventing and reducing the progression of disease and alleviating symptoms through healthy nutrition and exercise. The program is open to anyone 55+ who wants to stay fit and healthy. Download the Application Form.
Alleviate Chronic Conditions thru Exercise & Coaching. The Health Center’s Wellness Program now includes increased support for participants 65 and over who have chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, congestive heart failure, COPD, arthritis, chronic lyme, muscle aches and pains, failing eyesight and hearing, and any other assorted symptoms of getting older. Boothbay Region Health Center patients who participate in this program will be encouraged to join Medicare’s Chronic Care Management program, in order to benefit from monthly meetings with BRHC medical providers and health coaches to stay on track in managing their conditions.
Year Round/ Four Quarters. The program is also being expanded to year-round, and participants can sign up for any or all of four quarters. The fee is $25/month. We also encourage donations to help support this Wellness Program that will help avoid unplanned visits to Urgent Care, the Emergency Room, or the hospital.
Local Sponsorship. Some of the costs for this comprehensive wellness program for our area’s older people are being defrayed by donations from our local banks and other businesses. A special thanks go to Bath Savings Bank for donating the proceeds of their “Dress Down Day” to the Fit, Flexible & Strong Wellness Program. We also thank the Community Center for the use of their Annex for our exercise program.
What Participants Receive: Each quarter includes a physical and cognitive exam, and a fitness test (strength, flexibility, balance). Each participant sets personal goals for each quarter (walk further, keep from falling, gain strength, lose weight, lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar, etc.), and collaborates in creating a personalized exercise and nutrition program, which they can log daily and weekly. Each person is encouraged to participate in condition-specific support groups (diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, dementia, etc.) to learn more about how to prevent and mitigate the worsening of their condition(s).

Exercise classes and education groups are offered at the Community Center, at the YMCA, and other local venues, and are provided by a number of local experts. They include: Awesome Seniors’ Walking at the Y on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mary Baudo’s senior exercise/wellness classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, weekly exercise and dance classes offered at the Community Center. Patty Seybold’s Increase Inner Peace classes on Thursdays, as well as disease and condition-specific support groups, and lunch and learn programs (sleep, healthy cooking, heart-healthy habits). Many of these individual programs are also free and open to the public, but participants in Fit, Flexible & Strong will a) receive weekly and monthly schedules and can plan accordingly and b) may request specific educational programs and exercise offerings.
10,000-Step/Day Contest. Participants in Fit, Flexible & Strong will also receive a pedometer and be asked to keep track of the number of steps they take each day. Prizes will be awarded to those in each age/health condition category who walk the most days and the most steps per day.
Sign Up Now! You can pick up application forms at the Boothbay Region Health Center or download them from the BRHC website.