Thanks to Kathleen Billis for writing this letter to the Editor in the Boothbay Register praising our Health Center, and Andy Zuber, in particular, who made house calls as Mitch was failing.

Kathleen wrote:
One of the most special and important places we are so lucky to have is the Boothbay Region Health Center, which serves so many who would not otherwise have access to excellent healthcare. It is our own community supported, funded medical center staffed with the highest standard of qualified medical and support people….These past two years, Andy Zuber PA, brought his compassion along with his outstanding, highly respected medical knowledge to help both Mitch and me through the most difficult physical and emotional challenges of our life, after Mitch was diagnosed with dementia. They have been there to help me pick up the pieces since Mitch’s death….The women at the center answering phones became caring voices who helped calm my concerns and go out of their way to take care of problems. We were in the middle of Covid concerns as well. Andy would make actual house calls in addition to being available on Face Time for “emergency help.”
Kathleen generously provided 2 of Mitch’s paintings and one of her own to our recent online auction. They were all quickly snapped up!
Here’s a link to her full letter:…/wonderful…/154646