We’re conveniently located at 185 Townsend Ave in the Meadow Mall across from Hannafords. We’re at the end of the corridor next to the Family Dollar Store. Call 207-633-1075 for an appointment. We offer Primary Care and are a full service Family Practice. Whenever you aren’t feeling well, have a health concern, need a check up, or a blood or urine test, come see us. You’ll find us to be the most convenient and affordable option in the area.

Our Hours:
Monday thru Fridays: 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
For 24×7 Service, Call 633-1075
Need Transportation?
If you can’t drive or don’t have a car, don’t delay. Call us at 633-1075 and we’ll send a volunteer to your home to bring you to and from our Health Center. If you are homebound and can’t easily get out of your home, call to schedule a house call.