Boothbay Region Health Care, Inc. is a non-profit public benefit tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation in Maine. Our Tax Identification Number # is 46-5271171. If you value having local control over the kind of healthcare services that are available to you and your family, please donate now.
Donate Today! Help us ensure the future of high quality LOCAL primary health care for all residents, visitors and workers in the Boothbay Region.
Consider making an Evergreen Donation. Instead of donating $100 or more, consider making a monthly gift of $10 or more. That helps us sustain our cashflow during slow months, so we’ll be here for you when you need us! Just check the box labeled “monthly” where you fill in your credit card info.

How to Donate:
- Call (207) 633-1075 during office hours (8 to 4:30 M-F or 10-4 on Sat), and donate via credit card. If you’d like to make a monthly donation, just tell the person who is collecting your credit card info.
- Mail a check to Boothbay Region Health Care Inc. at 185 Townsend Avenue, STE R, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538
- Donate online with Credit Card or PayPal using the button below. (You don’t need to have or to set up a PayPal account). Again, you’ll have the opportunity to designate a one-time or a monthly gift.
THANK YOU so much for your support of locally-controlled high-quality, easy to access, affordable, primary care for the Boothbay Region.